Living for the hope of it all is a sentiment we have always found lovely. To live not out of obligation , necessity or responsibility; but for the simpler joys of life. To see wildflowers bloom, to sip filter coffee at the crack of dawn, to see a stranger smile. Little things that make up the sum total of our lives.This is a chai break, a spring leave, this
is hope. Hope for better days, honeyed and warmed and messy. This is a piece of our soul, and so much more. Find in these pages, chips of our hearts, and parts of our love.
We really hope you love it.
this is me trying
illicit affairs
Enough - Brennan Thomas
Kissing Blacktop - Leela Raj Sankar
Mayday - Herman
Love and its Ways - Ilana Drake
Love as a passage; Love as an elegy - Indigo C
Running - Mehrnaz Rezaei
Daybreak - Aashaya Anand
Wrinkles in time and packets of chips - Shriya MKumar
Mirror, Mirror - Sanjana Shankar
Truths Told - Richard M Ankers
Valedictorian Speech - Nora Sun
Wedding at Cana - Eloise Bennigsen
Friendly Reminders - Raine Lee
the lakes
Apocalypse - Nora Sun
161 Days To Graduation - Paw Yu Xin
7:02 am - Neda S.
An Elegy For Our Summer Garden - C. Reschke
365 Days - Neda S
Black Dogs & Hazy Ghosts -Sean Smith
On Being Infinite - Brishti Chakraborty
On the Bridge Behind Those Houses - Kieran Rose Pilon
When Death Comes Visiting a Beloved - by Oladejo Abdullah Feranmi
Mere Sapno Ki Rani - Mimi Red-Sun
Untitled - Sampoorna Krishna
My Mother The Sun- Isaac Weitzen
Scoping Out Hope - Chaand